

For whom birds are singing?

In the millennium of the era; spring lasts to settle fully;

Albeit; magnificent flowers light p in full harmony;

Letting release a singular subtle perfume that spreads swiftly;

Splendid Roses; Jasmine; Lila and Lavender are hatching sharply;

The ground is greenery carpet laying;

Doves coulombs crows swallows and eagles are flying;

Still free in the endless space where sun rays make a golden azure nicely;

Still birds’ melody is heard each morning willfully;

Birds are expressing their ecstasy;

living the spring courtship display;

In their still alive innocent idyllic world greatly;

Rushing to human's places that are void and mute widely;

These are in morning;

Within a morose ambiance these are crying and lamenting;

The woeful loss of vivid human life and wondering;

For whom birds are singing?

*I have written this poem during the COVID19 confinement.



Khadidja Hassein_Bey

I am a freelance writer since 2010. I am a physician too since 1989.I write stories; poems; and articles. I am interested in health/theology/history and others.